2Way Remote Modbus Server_TCP


The 2Way Remote Modbus Server_TCP is based on the international industrial automation system communication standard protocol, the Modbus TCP OPEN Protocol. It offers control functionalities such as switching on and off loops, groups, scenes, and dimming, along with authorization locking. Additionally, it can monitor the module's offline status and connection duration to ensure system stability and reliability. The server also features real-time detection of the transmission status of 2way modules, ensuring timely and accurate communication. This provides an efficient communication solution for industrial automation systems.

 ★ Full-2way Modbus TCP Server SI-6544

1. Power Voltage: 

 ◆ DC12-30V wide voltage supply

2. Status Indicators: 

 ◆ Module operation RUN, TCP signal, Full-2way signal transmission, reception, networking ERR, and other status indicators.

3. Parameter Settings:

 ◆ Can be set using Full-Site Program Settings Unit with a fully Chinese touch interface to configure the necessary parameters for related devices.

4. Communication Interface:

 ◆ Full-2way and TCP/IP communication interface

5. System Application: 

 ◆ This equipment can refer to ARCS Full-2way system applicationFull-2way system architecture, and international protocol diversification

6. Device Certification:


7. Installation Method: 

 ◆ The device can be installed using the DIN Rail method.

8. Device Dimensions: 

 ◆ 115mm(L) X 50mm(W) X 63mm(H)

9.Module Features:

 ◆ Panel with power operation, signal read/write, and error indicators.

 ◆ International open protocol MODBUS TCP, convenient for integration with various monitoring systems.

 ◆ System connection status addresses of each Transmission unit can be read.

10.Associated Equipment:

 ◆ This device can be paired with Full-2way terminal controllersFull-2way signal repeatersFull-2way network repeatersFull-2way fiber optic repeaters, and other devices.

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